A Poor Season for Whales

A new novel by award-winning author and translator Michiel Heyns – a gripping psychological drama, set in Hermanus

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Translated by Michiel Heyns

In Agaat, Marlene Van Niekerk reinvents the farm novel genre. She presents a stark and distressing view of the Afrikaans landscape of the second half of the twentieth century: a landscape of damaged humanity but also one of enduring hope.

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Alleen Onder die Maan

Alleen onder die man vertel die verhaal van Jaco, ’n 80-jarige individualis wat krities is oor hierdie totalitêre bestel, en sy seun, Pieter, wat as sy beroep rekenaarspeletjies toets en nie besef hoe die stelsel persoonlike vryheid bedreig nie.

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Blood Rose

First published in 2007, this 2022 reissue of Blood Rose by master thriller writer Margie Orford is the second book in the bestselling Clare Hart thriller series.

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Children of Sugarcane

Set across two generations, Children of Sugarcane is a captivating story about family, love, hardship, trauma, friendship, romance, and freedom told by the protagonist, Shanti, as she reflects on her life.

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Children of Sugarcane (Audiobook)

Set across two generations, Children of Sugarcane is a captivating story about family, love, hardship, trauma, friendship, romance, and freedom told by the protagonist, Shanti, as she reflects on her life.

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Daddy’s Girl

First published in 2009, this 2022 reissue of Daddy’s Girl by master thriller writer Margie Orford is the third book in the bestselling Clare Hart thriller series.

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Die Belydenis

(Plain Truth)

Twee vroue. Een geheim.

Die ontdekking van ’n dooie baba in ’n skuur op ’n Amiese plaas in Amerika dreig om ’n jong vrou se lewe te verwoes.

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Die Boek van Twee Weë

(The Book of Two Ways)

In die splitsekonde wat sy met haar eie dood gekonfronteer word, verander alles in Dawn Edelstein se lewe. Sy is op ’n vliegtuig wat skielik gedwing word om ’n noodlanding te doen. Terwyl sy haar op die ergste voorberei, is haar gedagtes egter nie by haar eggenoot en dogter nie, maar by Wyatt Armstrong – ’n man wat sy 15 jaar gelede in Egipte agtergelaat het. 

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