Air Fryer: Herman’s Top 100 Recipes

For his latest cookbook, Herman Lensing has selected his top 100 air fryer recipes that will take your taste buds on an unforgettable adventure. From mouthwatering breakfasts, sultry side dishes, succulent mains, boujee baking and delectable desserts, his creative flair and culinary genius shine through in every dish.

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Hosting With The Lazy Makoti

Hosting With The Lazy Makoti is the highly anticipated new cookbook from South Africa’s award winning and bestselling cookbook author and chef.


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Jane’s Delicious A-Z of Herbs

Herbs are rewarding and versatile plants. They are easy to grow and add colour, texture and fragrance to our gardens and food. Jane’s Delicious A–Z of Herbs is a full-colour, hands-on guide to growing and using these productive plants.

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Jane’s Delicious A-Z of Vegetables

Jane’s Delicious A–Z of Vegetables is an accessible guide to the most commonly-grown vegetables, plus many new and unusual ones now available, with detailed information on how to sow, plant, feed, water, protect, harvest and eat them, as well as save their seed for future generations.

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Jane’s Delicious Garden

Do you live in an urban area and want to grow your own organic vegetables, but don’t know where to begin? Jane’s Delicious Garden is perfect for you – whether you have green fingers or not. Packed with practical advice, time-saving tips, step-by-step instructions and personal anecdotes, this book is for beginners and gardening gurus alike.

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Jane’s Delicious Urban Gardening

South Africa’s organic gardening guru, Jane Griffiths, shows you just how easy it is to achieve a flourishing food garden, no matter how small your space. Jane’s Delicious Urban Gardening is packed with inspirational ideas and practical information on all aspects of urban eco living.

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Jane’s Delicious Superfoods for Super Health

Jane’s Delicious Superfoods for Super Health is a comprehensive guide to more than 150 delicious, nutrient-rich foods which, when eaten as part of a balanced diet, boost our immune system, improve our health and reduce the risk of disease.

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Lugbraaier: Herman se 100 beste resepte

Vir Lugbraaier het Herman 100 van sy heel gewildste lugbraaierresepte gekies. Sy heerlike ontbyte, aanloklike bykosse, geurige hoofgeregte, uithaler gebak en verruklike nageregte sal jou mond laat water.

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Wineries of the Cape

The Independent Guide to Touring the Winelands

From historic gabled manor houses to contemporary wineries, quirky family-run farms to iconic estates, country picnics to world-class fine dining restaurants, Wineries of the Cape profiles 58 of the very best visitor experiences in the winelands.

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