Pieter du Toit

Pieter du Toit is the author of the bestselling books The Stellenbosch Mafia and The ANC Billionaires. He is the deputy editor of News24.com.

Author's books

Die Stellenbosch Mafia

’n Verhaal van mag, geld en invloed

Die gewilde skrywer en bekroonde joernalis Pieter du Toit het gaan ondersoek instel op Stellenbosch. Du Toit kyk krities na hierdie klub van miljardêrs: Wie is hulle en belangriker nog, hoe is hulle onderling verbind? Hy beskryf ook die opkoms van Markus Jooste en die impak wat die Steinhoff-skandaal gehad het.

Available January 2025

Enemy of the People

How Jacob Zuma stole South Africa and how the people fought back

Enemy of the People is the first definitive account of Zuma’s catastrophic misrule, offering eyewitness descriptions and cogent analysis of how South Africa was brought to its knees – and how a people fought back.

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Enemy of the People (Audiobook)

How Jacob Zuma stole South Africa and how the people fought back

Enemy of the People is the first definitive account of Zuma’s catastrophic misrule, offering eyewitness descriptions and cogent analysis of how South Africa was brought to its knees – and how a people fought back.

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The ANC Billionaires

In The ANC Billionaires top-selling author Pieter du Toit investigates whether secret deals were struck between capital and the liberation movement to ensure the status quo remains in terms of economic policy. He also shows how the ANC was completely unprepared to navigate the intersection between business and politics.

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The ANC Billionaires (Audiobook)

In The ANC Billionaires top-selling author Pieter du Toit investigates whether secret deals were struck between capital and the liberation movement to ensure the status quo remains in terms of economic policy. He also shows how the ANC was completely unprepared to navigate the intersection between business and politics.

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The Stellenbosch Mafia

About 50km outside of Cape Town lies the beautiful town of Stellenbosch. Here reside some of South Africa’s wealthiest individuals: all male, all Afrikaans – and all stinking rich. Author Pieter du Toit begins by exploring the roots of Stellenbosch, one of the wealthiest towns in South Africa and arguably the cradle of Afrikanerdom. This is the birthplace of apartheid leaders, intellectuals, newspaper empires and more. He then closely examines this ‘club’ of billionaires and the control these men have over cultural life.

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The Super Cadres

The ANC has ruled South Africa for three decades during which time the country has gone from the promise of the Rainbow Nation to dysfunction and despair. In The Super Cadres, bestselling author Pieter du Toit examines this legacy from the early halcyon days through to the disappointment of the Ramaphosa presidency.

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The Super Cadres (Audiobook)

The ANC has ruled South Africa for three decades during which time the country has gone from the promise of the Rainbow Nation to dysfunction and despair. In The Super Cadres, bestselling author Pieter du Toit examines this legacy from the early halcyon days through to the disappointment of the Ramaphosa presidency.

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