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How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here? is Mpoomy Ledwaba’s coming-of-age story. Looking back on her upbringing, major milestones and the challenges she’s faced, Mpoomy takes us on her journey of self discovery.

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Sir Herbert Baker

A Biography

Architect Sir Herbert Baker left an indelible mark on South Africa and much of the British Empire in the first half of the 20th century. This is the first full biography from childhood and was written with full cooperation from his family and with access to his archive and private papers.

Available February 2025

White Supremacy

A Brief History of Hatred

Gavin Evans explores the roots of the white supremacist ideology, traced back to the 19th century to Charles Darwin and Francis Galton’s race-based theories. He examines the spread of eugenics and the rise of Nazism and Apartheid.

Available February 2025

Die Stellenbosch Mafia

’n Verhaal van mag, geld en invloed

Die gewilde skrywer en bekroonde joernalis Pieter du Toit het gaan ondersoek instel op Stellenbosch. Du Toit kyk krities na hierdie klub van miljardêrs: Wie is hulle en belangriker nog, hoe is hulle onderling verbind? Hy beskryf ook die opkoms van Markus Jooste en die impak wat die Steinhoff-skandaal gehad het.

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Apartheid: An Illustrated History 3rd Edition

An Illustrated History

Apartheid: An Illustrated History examines the defining experience of modern South Africa’s transition from colonialism to democracy. What began in May 1948 as an ambitious project to engineer white supremacy at the expense of the country’s black majority spawned 46 years of repressive authoritarianism and bitter resistance, which claimed the lives of thousands and pushed the country to the brink of civil war.


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The Dating Playbook

How to Win at Mjolo and Love

The Dating Playbook is a sobering, matter-of-fact guide to navigating the dating scene, or mjolo as it is colloquially called. Whether you are dating or in a relationship, Dudu’s considered advice will show you the way.

Available February 2025

White Supremacy

A Brief History of Hatred

Gavin Evans explores the roots of the white supremacist ideology, traced back to the 19th century to Charles Darwin and Francis Galton’s race-based theories. He examines the spread of eugenics and the rise of Nazism and Apartheid.

Available February 2025

Jan Smuts: Afrikaner sonder grense

Jan Christiaan Smuts was ’n soldaat, staatsman, intellektueel en een van Suid-Afrika se grootste leiers. Tog word daar vandag min oor hom gepraat of geskryf, al beleef ons tans skynbaar ’n leierskapsvakuum.

In Afrikaner sonder grense voer Richard Steyn aan dat ons hierdie indrukwekkende kryger-staatsman se lewe en denke moet herbesoek, omdat daar soveel te leer is uit sy merkwaardige prestasies.

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Ook beskikbaar in Engels as Jan Smuts: Unafraid of Greatness

Rhodes and his Banker

Empire, Wealth and the Coming of Union

Rhodes and his Banker is an account of the remarkable friendship between a larger-than-life historical figure and a modest, unassuming banker, both of whom were personally involved in all the major political and financial developments in Southern Africa during the closing decades of the 19th century.

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Louis Botha

Krygsman, generaal, staatsman

Louis Botha was ’n briljante Boeregeneraal wie se taktiese vernuf en intuïtiewe aanslag vir etlike oorwinnings oor die Britse magte in die Anglo-Boereoorlog gesorg het. Richard Steyn gee op meesterlike wyse insae in die lewe van hierdie grootse Suid-Afrikaanse krygsman en staatsman.

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Churchill & Smuts

Die Vriendskap

Die eiesoortige vriendskap tussen Winston Churchill en Jan Smuts is ’n studie in kontraste. Richard Steyn, die skrywer van Jan Smuts: Afrikaner sonder grense, bestudeer dié hegte vriendskap deur twee wêreldoorloë aan die hand van ’n magdom argiefstukke, briewe, telegramme en die omvangryke boeke wat oor albei mans geskryf is.

Ook beskikbaar in Engels as Churchill & Smuts: The Friendship

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Sir Herbert Baker

A Biography

Architect Sir Herbert Baker left an indelible mark on South Africa and much of the British Empire in the first half of the 20th century. This is the first full biography from childhood and was written with full cooperation from his family and with access to his archive and private papers.

Available February 2025


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